How to create new template Magento
You may find that you want to add additional layout template options to the CMS section that can be chosen when creating or editing a page in the admin interface.
Step 1: Create New Template
Create a new template file in the following directory (you may want to simply copy an existing template, such as 1column.phtml) and name it with an appropriate name (ie: home.phtml if that template will be used for your home page).
whereas YOUR_INTERFACE typically remains "default" and YOUR_THEME can also be "default" (please see Design-Guide about proper naming of themes and interfaces)
Step 2: Create a new module
In order to customize the configuration of Magento without hacking into existing files we need to create a new module. This is very simple. The module will only contain a configuration file that updates the section that lists the available templates for the CMS.
We'll call the module Banana (just a example) and its package name Fruit (also just an example).
Note: You may (and probably should) choose a different module/package name, just be consistent throughout the process.
We need to tell Magento about our new module, so create a new file:
with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Page />
Now we need to actually create the module itself. Create the following file (and the neccessary folder structure):
with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- add more layouts here -->
The capitalized parts need to be filled in by you.
Any new layouts you want to add should to be in the following format:
<layout_description translate="label">
<label>Layout Name</label>
<!-- defining the layout handle is optional -->
Using the same steps, and modifying them for each template, you can create new layout templates for use on any CMSpage.
You're done!
Also, take a look at the config.xml of the Page module in the Mage package; it defines the layouts that come with Magento:
On line ~47(version find:
<empty module="page" translate="label">
<one_column module="page" translate="label">
<label>1 column</label>
<two_columns_left module="page" translate="label">
<label>2 columns with left bar</label>
<two_columns_right module="page" translate="label">
<label>2 columns with right bar</label>
<three_columns module="page" translate="label">
<label>3 columns</label>
If you don't care for updating Magento and love hacking core files (something you generally shouldn't do, unless you know what you're doing) you can also just update this file (app/code/core/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml). Beware though that Magento updates can override the changes you've made.
From magentocommerce - Themes and template customization - Magento